Book Title: Ty Expert Talks Psychology /Cd
ISBN: 9781444110630
Is this the right book for me?
More than just a straight audiobook, this pack offers a unique introduction to the world of phsychology. In a series of structured discussions our panel of four leading experts will guide you through all the key areas of interest, including growth and development, learning, the unconscious and living with others.
Whether you're a complete beginner or a student wanting a convenient way to recap before your exams they are guaranteed to hold your attention as they explore exactly why we are the way we are. Ideal for downloading onto an ipod or mp3 player, and with a booklet to help you recap on key ideas and specialist phrases, Psychology for the Curious means you can learn wherever and however you want.
Psychology for the Curious includes:
Chapter 1: Why bother with psychology?
Psychology and common sense
The need for a scientific approach
The influence of behaviourism
The emergence of modern psychology
Chapter 2: Sense, stories and social learning
The malleability of memory
Narratives and scripts
Chapter 3: Who am I?
The problem of normality
Chapter 4: The unconscious mind
The psychoanalytic approach
How the unconscious mind works
Defence mechanisms
What the unconscious isn't
Chapter 5: Learning, expertise and creativity
Levels of learning
Predispositions in learning
Practice and creativity
Experts and novices
Chapter 6: Coping with stress
The fight or flight reaction
Long-term success
Physical coping
Psychological coping
Chapter 7: Community and conflict
Sociability and adaptability
Social identification
Social motivation
Chapter 8: Emotional intelligence
Facets of emotional intelligence
Measuring the EQ
Chapter 9: Positive psychology
Positive emotions
Positive thinking
Learned optimism