Book Title: Being Baba
ISBN: 9789814677189
By Author(s):
By Publisher:MCIA
ThePeranakan Association Singapore (TPAS) represents Peranakans or local-bornChinese also known as the Babas. They settled down in Southeast Asia manygenerations ago and assimilated the local customs and practices to create aunique culture of their own. Over the last 20 years, the Association haspublished The Peranakan which firstappeared as a four-page newsletter and has developed over the years to become afull-colour magazine covering every aspect of Peranakan culture and history. Being Baba celebrates articles from ThePeranakan magazine. The specially selected pieces explain the origins ofcustoms and traditions as well as provide insights into their beautifulartefacts and delicious cuisine. It also includes articles on prominentPeranakans who have contributed to the growth and development of Singapore. Interest in Peranakan culture has never been stronger and this yearSingapore plays host to the first Peranakan Arts Festival and 28thBaba Convention in November. Being Baba is illustrated with colour photographs and is the definitive compilationof all things Peranakan.