Book Title: Effective Time Mgmt Skills For Doctors
ISBN: 9781445390154
By Author(s):
Do you find it difficult to achieve a work/life balance? Would you like to know how you can become more effective with the time you have? With the introduction of the European Working Time Directive, it is more important than ever that doctors improve their personal effectiveness and time management skills. This interactive book will enable you to focus on what activities are needlessly taking up your time and what steps you can take to manage your time better. By taking the time to read through, complete the exercises and follow the advice contained within this book, you will begin to: Understand where your time is being needlessly wasted Discover how to be more assertive and learn how to say no Set yourself priorities and stick to them Learn how to complete tasks more efficiently Plan better so you can spend more time doing the things you enjoy With all the changes to the NHS there is a need for doctors to become more effective within their working environment. This book will offer you the chance to re-gain some clarity on how you actually spend your time and give you the impetus to ensure you achieve the tasks and goals important to you.