Joy Of Javascript

Joy Of Javascript

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Book Title: Joy Of Javascript
ISBN: 9781617295867
By Publisher:MANNING

Whether for building interactive browser-based applications or creating server-side applications in Node, JavaScript is the most widely used language for web programming. With new features, language improvements, paradigms, and potential use cases appearing regularly, there’s never been a more exciting time to be a JavaScript developer.   In The Joy of JavaScript, author and JavaScript expert Luis Atencio teaches you key design concepts that lead to clean, lean, modular, and easy-to-maintain code. Key features • JavaScript’s objects and module system  • Working with higher order functions  • Driving application business logic with functional programming principles  • Dynamically hooking into data with Proxy and Reflect APIs  • Static type-checking with Flow  • Taming complex asynchronous behavior using reactive programming Audience Perfect for intermediate JavaScript developers with basic familiarity with HTTP, HTML/CSS, and Git/CLI. About the technology JavaScript is multi-paradigm, supporting object-oriented, functional, reactive, and event-driven styles of programming. And transpilers like Babel make it possible to compile code written in other languages into JavaScript. Luis Atencio is a software engineer for Citrix Systems, where he develops and architects web applications leveraging Java, PHP, and JavaScript platforms. He blogs about software engineering at, has spoken in many dev conferences, and has written articles for PHPArch magazine and DZone Refcardz. Luis is the author of Manning’s Functional Programming in JavaScript and the co-author of Manning’s RxJS in Action.