Book Title: Redux In Action
ISBN: 9781617294976
By Publisher:MANNING
The Redux JavaScript library consolidates state in a single object, radically simplifying one of the largest sources of bugs.
With Redux in Action, you'll discover how to integrate Redux into your React application and development environment, write custom middleware, and optimize for performance.
Key features
* Clear introduction
* Hands-on examples
* Step-by-step guide
Written for web developers comfortable with JavaScript and ES6, as well as experience using React.
About the technology
Whether users are passing data through several layers of components or sharing and syncing data between unrelated parts of the app, Redux makes state management a breeze. Redux promotes predictability, testability, and the ability to debug dynamic applications, letting users focus on building great apps.
Author biography
Marc Garreau has architected and executed half a dozen unique client-side applications leveraging Redux for state management.
Will Faurot is experienced in equal parts production Redux, and mentoring Redux developers of all skill levels.