Book Title: Ty Write A Blockbuster - And Get It Publ
ISBN: 9781444103199
Is this the right book for me?Designed for all those wanting to be the next Dan Brown, this introduction to writing popular fiction will be a key addition to the writer's bookshelf. Authored jointly by a literary consultant/agent and a highly successful author, it offers not simply a guide to writing a novel but an introduction to writing a plot-based, action-focused blockbuster. It covers such key practicalities as the importance of plot, pace, action, character and the different demands of such popular commercial genres as romantic fiction, thrillers and so on. For those looking to write for a living, this book provides vital information on the process, including finding an agent and making a living as a writer.Write a Blockbuster And Get it Published includes:Part one - Writing a blockbusterChapter 1: Getting startedChapter 2: CharacterizationChapter 3: Plot and scene structureChapter 4: Planning your storyChapter 5: Great openingsChapter 6: How to write blockbuster proseChapter 7: DialogueChapter 8: PacingChapter 9: Rewriting and self-editingChapter 10: The A-Z of genresPart two - Submitting a blockbuster, getting an agent and being publishedChapter 11: The commonsense approach to submittingChapter 13: The reality of being publishedChapter 14: Exploring other publishing avenuesChapter 15: TroubleshootingLearn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and interactive features: Not got much time?
One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.Author insightsLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the authors' many years of experience.Test yourselfTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.Extend your knowledgeExtra online articles to give you a richer understanding of how to write a blockbuster.Five things to rememberQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.Try thisInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.