Book Title: An Arkful Of Animal Jokes
ISBN: 9781643522517
By Author(s):0
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To pick up her own copy of An Arkful of Animal Jokes--for Kids!
This hilarious collection of jokes, funny stories, riddles, and one-liners is sure to make anyone laugh. . .even you sourpusses!
Perfect for 8-12-year-olds, An Arkful of Animal Jokes--for Kids! features chapters on more than 30 kinds of animals, from
alligators to chickensdogs to frogsmonkeys to skunkiessnails to zebras
There are nearly 500 jokes in all, including a section on the keeper of the world's first floating zoo, Noah himself! If you're looking for clean, good-humored, often laugh-out-loud entertainment, this is the book for you. Don't miss the boat--An Arkful of Animal Jokes--for Kids! awaits.