Book Title: Rr: Siddhartha Gautama
ISBN: 9781906230616
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Can the path to the ultimate truth about human life be found by leaving behind wealth, comfort, family and security? Born as the heir to an Indian kingdom, Prince Siddhartha knows only happiness, luxury and love. Fearing the prophecy that the child will one day abandon his princely life, Siddhartha’s father builds him three palaces to provide everything he could ever desire. But the power of destiny cannot be held back by physical walls. Leaving palace, wife and son behind, Siddhartha embarks on a new life that will ultimately lead him to the one thing that he is in search of – the solution to all human suffering. Now an enlightened Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama wanders the country, spreading the knowledge that he has discovered. This is the story of the life and teachings of the Buddha, the all-knowing, whose influence still reverberates in every corner of the world.