Book Title: Beastly Bionics
ISBN: 9781426336737
Discover how the natural world inspires innovation in space and technology to create the latest and greatest breakthroughs and discoveries in this exciting book..
Did you know that scientists have developed a bionic tool shaped like an elephant's trunk that helps lift heavy objects? Or that the needle-like pointed beak of the kingfisher bird encouraged engineers in Japan to change the design of the Shinkansen "bullet trains" to reduce noise? Across multiple fields of study and methods of problem-solving, scientists are turning to biomimicry, or engineering inspired by biology or nature, to make all kinds of cool technological advancements. From robots that protect people and gather information to everyday inventions like reflectors on the roads and ice-proof coatings for aeroplanes to new sources of renewable energy, this book dives into the ways that nature can give us ideas on how to improve our world. Discover more than 40 examples of technology influenced by animals, meet some of the scientists and the story behind their inventions, and learn about some of the incredible creatures who have inspired multiple creations.