Book Title: Cafe After Dawn /P
ISBN: 9781951627058
By Author(s):YAN XIAO
For Readers of Rupi Kaur and Courtney Peppernell, a Poetic Diary that Confronts and Meditates on Love, Hope, and Despair
"There were two entrances to the café, but I always opted for the narrower one hidden in the shadows. I always chose the same table at the back of the little room to write my poems to you, day by day. Let the world around you fade, and close the door. Get rid of your rolling cigarettes. Yes, I’m writing this for you. Some beautiful things: warm nights after the rain, old books, tea in the afternoon, fresh laundry, and blurry moon. This might justify your life."
Written in the vein of today's young confessional poets, Café after Dawn isa diary written in the form of poetry. Penned during the four years that Xiao Yan spent with her mother who was undergoing cancer treatment in New York, each poem is a reflection of her thoughts on existential crisis, universal truth, traumatized youth, death, romance, and the struggles between hope and despair in our modern society.
Using the power of poetry and innovative visual design, as well as experiments on the connection between Eastern and Western culture, Café after Dawn unleashes a healing power that will set readers free from judgment, self-doubt, and anxiety.